Homeowners Meeting February 26th, 2013

Home / Minutes / Homeowners Meeting February 26th, 2013

Meeting called to order at 7 PM
Roll Call: Present P Cyman Pres. W Bond ST, Don Rivera VP excused
Secretary read minutes from 11-20-12 meeting. Called for corrections or omissions found none-approved as read.
Treasurer read report of first quarter. All annual dues are collected with 28 paying the late fee of $25.00. 4 properties are past due- due to foreclosure status. Bank balance is $73,545. Homeowners are free to examine bank activity report!

        Old business:

City of Sunrise has repaired sprinklers on SW 8 Street. .Repairs to some heads is in progress.
Sidewalks were pressure cleaned. Fence replaced on Shotgun Road and 8th street. Old wooden shadow box out and new vinyl white installed.

        New business:
In progress looking at landscape replacement along SW 148 Avenue
Reminder: Bulk garbage pick up is now first Monday of every month NOT THE FIRST.

Meeting adjourned at 730 PM

Next meetings 5-28, 9-17-11-19.

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