NPMA Minutes 2/12/2019

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Meeting Called to Order at 7:00 pm

Roll Call: Responding in attendance, President P. Cyman and Vice President Gary Nicholson. Excused Scott Fitzpatrick.

Minutes: Minutes from the last meeting of 11/13/18 were read. Call for omissions or corrections found none. Minutes will stand as read.

Treasurer’s Report: Balance as of 2/12 was $79,733.61. Email checks to FPL, JM Holiday Lighting, Kaye/Bender, USPS, Office Depot, O C Landscaping, Bruening Ins. Bank Statements from January 2018 through January 2019 are here for review. Report on collections. $300 assessment has 7 out for 3rd notice, $180 dues has 10 out for 3rd notice. They will be mailed February 15th. Actual expenses for 2018 and 2017 were read and compared. NPMA Budget for 2019 and 2018 were read and compared.

Communications: Received letters dated 1/25/18 and 2/6/19 from Julie DiMaggio. Annual Bruening insurance billing, JM Holiday Lighting final bill, SunBiz 2019 registration, Sunrise Magistrate postponing next hearing to 3/18 and Kaye/Bender billing for an outstanding collection.

Officers Report: VP Gary Nicholson covered the two letters from J. DiMaggio and went into details of the past years ups and downs concerning 84 South and NPMA. Discussed City Ordinance 728X and the smoking gun implication it presents. Open discussion between residents and Gary ensued covering the past years course of action. He believes we are getting closer to the end and should see results soon. The question of suing the City as well as 84 South was discussed at length. Lawyer’s billing hours were discussed.

Election For President: Not having a quorum (53 Proxies and those in attendance) there is no election. President Cyman agreed to continue his position until our current affairs with 84 South and City of Sunrise are concluded and another volunteer could be appointed in the future.

Next Meetings: May 21st, September 10th and November 12th. Next annual meeting of 2/2020 finds Vice President up for election and 2/2021 will be election for Secretary Treasurer.

Motion to Adjourn: Was made and seconded at 8:35 pm.

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