NPMA Meeting Minutes 11/13/18

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Meeting Called to Order 7pm President Cyman wished everyone a Happy Thanksgiving and Happy Holidays. Stated last years November Meeting he forgot so this year he made it first order of business.

Roll Call: All officers responded when asked, P. Cyman, G. Nicholson, S. Fitzpatrick

Minutes: Minutes from last meeting on 9/13/18 were read. Call for corrections or omissions found none. Minutes will stand as read.

Treasurers Report: Balance as of 11/13/18 was $28,191.18. Echecks to FPL, O C Landscaping, USPS, Kaye/Bender, Office Depot and Classic Concrete. January through October bank statements are present for question and review. No questions.

Communications: Sunrise annual registration was read, NPMA Board voted to register and designate Paul Cyman. Read mediation order dated 9/28 and mediators report dated 10/20 E-filed, meeting error date notice posted on website correcting meeting date of 11/13, received Sunrise Order of Continuance for 11/19/18, 84 South notice of unavailability to appear from November to June 2019 noting when they can meet, read letter sent to Chris Tuller, Property Manager dated 8/28 concerning 148th Avenue dispute and no action on their part, acknowledge Classic Concrete billing and completion of work.

Officers Report: President Cyman discussed the email from Robert Kaye explaining the assessment procedure and read the resolution, which will be attached to the original minutes. The Board following Article 6 Section 4, met and agreed on resident letter mailed 10/27. Resolution signed for 1 time assessment. Reviewed 2017 and 2018 budgets and agreed to change yearly dues to $180 starting January 1, 2019. Allowed under Article 12 Assessment Section 3A of the NPMA by-laws. Discussed 84 South cancelling on many occasions, not being able to get rid of 84 South, then being placed on 84 South board of directors, not known to me and getting a hearing before Judge Pearlman.

Questions and Answers: Floor open to residents. Officers Fitzpatrick and Nicholson along with Cyman discussed items in his report, status of legal dispute with 84 South, money and various topics concerning NPMA/84 South dispute. Hows and whys of assessment, many residents spoke their concerns and discussions with board were had. Several turned in their assessment checks to show support of action taken by the board.

Next Meeting 2/12/2019 Annual meeting with election for President. Balance of 2019 meetings are 5/21, 9/10/, 11/12

Motion for adjournment accepted at 9:02 pm

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