NPMA Meeting Minutes 2/11/20

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Meeting Called to Order at 7 pm

Roll Call: Responding in attendance: Paul Cyman, Gary Nicholson and Scott Fitzpatrick.

Reading of Minutes from November 12, 2019: Call for corrections or admissions, hearing none minutes stand as read.

Treasurer’s Report: Bank balance as of 2/11 is $78,096.53. E-checks issued to: O C Landscaping, FPL, Julie DiMaggio, All Purpose Pressure Washing, JM Holiday Lighting , USPS and SunBiz. Bills and bank statements are here for viewing and questions. Bank statements are from 1/19 – 1/20.

Communications: City of Sunrise, order of continuance to 2/17/20 at 2 pm. Florida Department of Revenue request for additional information and Sunrise Bill of Rights.

Officers Reports: Vice President Nicholson brought us to date on 148th Ave. legal battle. There is a possibility of mediation to settle the matter within 30 days. Gave details of conversations between our attorney, Julie DiMaggio and Alex Alonzo. Scott Fitzpatrick added his thoughts on the matter as did Paul Cyman. Paul also brought up our Holiday Lighting finishing the 3 year contract for just shy of $10,000. He stated we have May and November Meetings coming up to decide if we want to continue.

Vice President Election: Having no one to nominate and only 6 Proxies returned there will be no balloted election. Vice President Nicholson was asked by the current Board to continue serving. He agreed and the current Board approved.

Questions & Answers: Subjects covered were: pot hole in the road on 150th Ave., feeding of ducks and further discussion of 148th Ave. settlement.

Next Meetings are: 5/19, 9/15, and 11/10/20. Sec/Trea Election is 2/20/21.

Motion to Adjourn was approved at 7:35 pm

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