Meeting Called to Order at 7 pm
Roll Call: Responding in attendance, P. Cyman, Gary Nicholson, Scott Fitzpatrick
Reading of Minutes from February 12, 2019. Call for admissions or corrections, none voiced. Minutes will stand as read.
Treasurer’s Report: Bank balance as of 4/30/19 is $80,234.72. E-mail checks to: FPL, OC Landscaping, H&R Block, Kaye Bender, Julie Dimaggio, USPS, Home Depot and Florida Department of State. Bank Statements and bills are here for review – January 2018 through April 2019. Collections are complete. All $180 and $300 are paid except one owing both with late fees due to bank foreclosure.
Communications: J M Lighting – Christmas Invoice, Sunrise Magistrate Notice for June 17, 2019 and 84 South Annual Meeting Notice for 4/29/19.
Officers Reports: Vice President Nicholson gave an update on proposed settlement agreement to resolve 148th Avenue right of way maintenance. Many questions from homeowners were put forth and answered by all three officers. President Cyman reported that the “No Outlet” sign on 10th Street is back and gave details on the ditch at 1007 SW 149th Lane. FPL came out on 5/17 to prove that the power for the street light comes from the back yard as “Direct Bury Cable”. No one owns up to doing the digging . NPMA will restore as the swale areas are NPMA owned and therefore liable for any injury that occurs due to the open hole. Storm drain apron will also be addressed. New LED street lights were installed, that NPMA owns, at 11th Street and 150th Avenue, (6 total.) A discussion on roof cleaning and driveway seal coating along with other rules and violations were discussed. Gary had a hand out flier that he delivered many months ago. It was proposed to do again with updates to the present issues. Commercial vehicles in driveways, lawn care and derelict vehicles were discussed.
Next Meeting: September 10th and November 12th. The elections for Vice President will be 2/2020 and Secretary/Treasurer will be 2/2021.
Motion to adjourn was made and seconded at 8:10pm