NPMA Minutes 11/12/19

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Meeting Called to Order at 7: pm

Roll Call: Responding in attendance: Paul Cyman, Gary Nicholson and Scott Fitzpatrick.

Reading of Minutes: From September 10, 2019, call for corrections or admissions, hearing none minutes stand as read.

Treasurer’s Report: Bank balance as of 11/12/19 is $66,509.13. EChecks issued to O C Landscaping, Holiday Lighting, Office Depot, Home Depot. Three Estoppel fees were received for $450. Bills and bank statements are here for review.

Communications: Sunrise Ordinance 490, Section 3 was read. Vote taken by Board to approve Paul Cyman as designated contact on form 490. Sunrise Continuance of Magistrate order scheduled for 11/18/19. January 8, 2020, notice of election of annual meeting and election was read. Also noted that on 11/27/19 our annual dues notice will be mailed. They are due January 1, 2020.

Officer’s Report: Gary Nicholson gave an update on our 148th Avenue pending agreement with 84 South. A new flier listing property violations and Duck info will be created and handed out in the future. Scott Fitzpatrick added additional information on 148th Ave. Paul Cyman reported the stop sign being replaced at 8th St and 150th Ave. and the cost. Stated that we’ve had 4 sales of homes in recent months. Holiday lighting will be turned on December 1 and removed January 10th.

Questions and Answers: Discussion on street lights, block party, single bedroom rentals and problems with residents feeding ducks. Pressure cleaning of concrete walls on 8th Street and Shotgun Road was discussed. Problems with residents not trimming their over hanging vegetation creating most of our wall staining. Flier to contain more information to those residents backing up to the wall of their responsibility.

Next Meeting is February 11, 2020, for our annual and election for Vice President. Meetings scheduled for 2020 are: 5/19. 9/15, 11/10. Secretary/Treasurer Election will be February 2021.

Call for Adjournment at 8 pm was made and seconded.

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