NPMA Minutes 9/10/19

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Meeting called to order at 7 pm: Meeting room was locked. Had the meeting in the lobby standing up. Seventeen homeowners present.

Roll Call: Responding in attendance, Paul Cyman, Gary Nicholson, Scott Fitzpatrick.

Reading of Minutes from May 21, 2019. Call for corrections or admissions, none voiced. Minutes stand as read.

Treasurer’s Report: Bank balance as of 8/31/19 is $69,430.72. Email checks and check #2104 paid to O C Landscaping, FPL, James Savino, Classic Concrete, JM Holiday Lighting, Kaye/Bender, All Field Electric. Bills and bank statements from 1/19 – 8/19 are here for review. Estoppel Fee of $150 received for 959 SW 149th Terrace. Balance owed at closing $760.00 ( 2yrs dues plus $300 assessment and late fees) closing TBD.

Communications: Request to widen drive way for 949 SW 149th Terrace, bid from Anything Asphalt for 1007 SW 149th Lane swale, bill for 1007 SW 149th Lane from Classic Concrete and 2019 proposed tax bill for NPMA owing nothing.

Officer’s Report: Gary Nicholson was called on to give updates on lawyers attempt to resolve 84 South vs NPMA disputes. Scott gave additional comments on the issues. Paul noted that 148th was rough trimmed and bushes were included. We will be maintaining it on a monthly basis until issue is resolved.

Floor Open: Discussed boats in yards, status of Sue Jackson, possibility of leaving 84 South, auto break ins and budget concerns as to spending.

Next Meeting is November 12, 2019. Meetings for 2020 are as follows: February 11, May 19, September 15 and November 10th. Election for VP is 2/11/20.

Motion to Adjourn 7:55 pm


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