Meeting called to order at 7PM by Paul Cyman. W Bond and D Rivera excused.
Next meeting and approval of 2-26- meeting
Treasurers report $73,848.85 balance
Old Business.
Several homes have sold, one foreclosure settled with the HOA getting $4946 to end 5 years of legal activity. Two others have sold the other pending.
Notice to owners concerning seal coating of drive ways and swales and fence repair, pressure cleaning-most but not all complying.
Notice to homes backing up to SW 8 street and Shotgun road to trim back trees.-shrubs to stop mold and mildew have mostly been ignored. HOA was to repaint walls. Painting on hold pending all homes complying!!
Trees along 148 Avenue from SW 8 street to SW 14 street are being discussed with FPL-84 south and City of Sunrise. Trimming-removal-presents condition are subjects underway.
Reminder-bulk pick up is: 1st Monday not 1st of month.. 6-3, 7-1, 8-5. 9-2 etc.
Meeting adjourned 751 PM
Next meetings are 9-17 and 11-19