NPMA Meeting Minutes of 11/17/15

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Call to Order at 7pm

Roll Call:  All Officers Present

Reading of of the Minutes 9/15/15:    Approved as read.

Treasurer’s Report:    January through October bank statements are here if anyone has questions or want to examine.  Bank balance as of October 31st is $72,647.26.  Bills paid since last meeting were:  FPL, OC Landscaping, Office Depot, and USPS.  Accepted as read.

Communications:    Sunrise annual registration form, resident request to have Christmas lighting, and 84 South Monthly Management Report 10/27/15.

Old Business:     Declaration changes.  The four changes required 75% which is 118 to approve.  Results of returned proxies and those in attendance are:  40 total voting.  #1 – 12.  #2 – 14.  #3 – 13. #4 – 9. These are the yes votes.  No’s comprise all others 115.  26% turn out. Issue is dead.

New Business:      Board voted to register with the City of Sunrise. Letter requesting Christmas lighting was read in it’s entirety. Discussion with information from vendor provided in the letter and electricians proposals was agreed to by ALL as too costly. Estimate for electrical work is approximately $7,000.  Lighting of 18 trees totaling $5,400 at both entrances.  Our annual income doesn’t support this sort of expense.  Entrance LED light at 8th St. and 150th Ave. East side will be replaced in the next two to three weeks. Broken curbing at both entrances around palm trees and decorative stones were replaced.

Next Meeting:    February 9, 2016.  This is our annual meeting along with officer election.  Presidents position is open for nomination and election and any others that may be vacant.  Meetings for 2016 are: May 10th,  September 13th and November 15th.

Meeting Adjourned at 7:47 pm



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