NPMA Meeting Minutes 9/13/16

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Call to Order:    7pm    Introduced Emilie Smith, Assistant Sunrise City Manager.  Emilie explained 2017 Residential Solid Waste Collection Service – New carts and schedules will be given December 2016 more info at:    She spoke about a penny at work sales tax to be voted on 11/8/16.  More info at:

Roll Call:    All officers Present

Minutes of 5/10/16 were read and approved.

Treasurers Report:    Bank balance 8/31/16 is $69,135.78.  Echeck payments to, FPL, OC Landscaping, Office Depot, Hartzel Painting and Diups.  Statements for 1/16 thru 8/16 are here for questions.

Communications:    Broward Appraisers update form, Sunrise Public Service Division 6/2/16, Sunrise Magistrate Affidavit of Compliance, Sunrise Code Violation  #16-00005314 – 7/5/16, Sunrise Solid Waste Collection Notice.

Old Business:    FPL clean up at 8th Street & 148th Avenue.

New Business:    Graffiti Painted over on 8th Street & Shotgun road. LED sign light at 11 Street and 148th Avenue will be replaced under warranty.

Q & A from Residents:    Discussed the tree trimming on 8th Street & 148th Avenue, FPL clean up, code violation notice, 84 South responsibility.

Officers Report:    None

Officer Elections:    President 2/16 – extended, Vice President extended to 2/17, Secretary/Treasurer extended to 2/18

Next Meeting:    11/15/16

2017 Meetings Set For:    2-7/ 5-9/ 9-12/ 11-14

Meeting Adjourned:    7:48pm

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