NPMA Meeting Minutes 9/11/18

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Meeting Called to Order: 7pm

Voice Roll Call: President Paul Cyman, Vice President Gary Nicholson, and Secretary/Treasurer Scott Fitzpatrick all present.

Meeting Minutes from 5/8/18: Minutes read. No omissions or corrections called for. Approved as read.

Treasurers Report: Bank balance as of 8/31/18 – $28,895.36. Echecks issued since 5/18 were to: FPL, O C Landscaping, James Savino, Kaye Bender, Allfield Electric, DDS Services, Office Depot, JM Holiday Lighting. Bank Statements are here to question or examine from January through August 2018. No questions were asked.

Communications: Received since May 2018: Kaye Bender billings, Sunrise Magistrates notices, JM Holiday Lighting, Mediation notices, collection notices for two outstanding arrears, FPL LED lighting agreement, Savino invoice, DDS bill and recorded notice of Preservation of Declaration of Covenants original and filed to be kept for the next 30 years.

Officers Report: President gave details of Magistrates Hearings stating the 9/17/18 meeting will be postponed due to the upcoming Mediation set for 9/28 at 2pm. Covered two outstanding dues arrears. Gave update on 148 Avenue maintenance progress. Noted sidewalk repairs throughout our streets and that Holiday Lighting will be done for 2018. Vice President spoke about notice to address fall clean up. Possibility of doing monthly areas of concern. Also talked about street seal coating and how to handle maintenance violations in the future. Secretary/Treasurer spoke on street seal coating, handling 148th Ave. concerns and of future violations. General discussion of those in attendance covered 148th Avenue, seal coating of streets, NPMA website, Violations of NMPA Rules. Many residents spoke with all three officers responding.

Next Meeting: November 13, 2018. Meeting dates for 2019 for 60 Weston Road are: 2/12/, 5/21, 9/10, 11/12. February 12, 2019 meeting is annual meeting and election: President expired, Vice President expires February 2020, Secretary/Treasurer expires February 2021.

Motion to Adjourn Meeting at 8:10 pm

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