NPMA Meeting Minutes 5/10/2016

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Call to Order:    7pm

Roll Call:     All Officers Present

Minutes of 2/9/16 Read and Approved

Treasurer’s Report:     Bank balance 5/9/16 – $82,618.77.    E-check payments to FPL, BGM Accountants, and OC Landscaping.  Income: four Estoppel fees and 2 payments with late fees.  Statements for the bank are here for examination or questions.  January thru May 9, 2016 are available.

Communications:     Sunrise notice of violation.  4/7/16 Bond letter tree trimming and 4/9/16 Bond letter shrubbery.

Old Business:     4/7/16 Bond letter was addressed and after discussion the board concurred to stick to our position which was discussed at the May 14, 2015 meeting and posted June 6, 2015 on our website under Tree Trimming Information.

New Business:    The 4/7 and the 4/9/16 letters were discussed at length.  Homeowners gave their opinions.  The Board discussed  tree trimming and shrub replacement at length. Conclusion was to seek legal opinion.

Officer’s Report:     President stated there were 4 home sales since the 1st of the year and the wall on 8th Street and Shotgun was pressured cleaned and painted.

Q & A of Homeowners:      Discussed sidewalk replacement, parking on North end of 148th Terrace on both sides of street leaving single car access and emergency vehicle access.  Not picking up after dogs was also discussed.

Next Meetings:      9/13 and 11/15/16

Adjourned:      8:07pm

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