New Providence Maintenance Association Meeting Minutes of 5-20-2014

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Called to Order at 7pm
Officers  Present:    P.Cyman,  M. Ingino,  S.Fitzpatrick

Minutes of  2-18-14  were read and approved.

Treasurer’s  Report:  

Bank Balance as of  5-20-14    $79,395.30.    All expenses and income figures were available to review by home owners.  No questions were asked.

Received Stevens/Goldwyn notices sent to four home owners delinquent in annual dues.    Bid for entrance camera systems was read.    Email from Doug Crowe reporting on Architectural/Violation Committee.

Old  Business:  

Discussed camera bid and problems to do such.  Cost is high and not able to have internet connection.  For now put this aside.    Email from Doug Crowe contacting the home owners in violation in person was discussed.  His visit to both home owners was very positive.  At this time no other action will be taken pending results that home owners said they would do.

New  Business:

Sunrise Code Enforcement action on sidewalk repairs was discussed.    A method of contacting home owners by email or regular mail was discussed.  A separate bulletin will be posted on web site addressing implementation possibility.    Our meeting sign was stolen from 8th Street and 150th Avenue.  It was placed on Friday prior to 5-20 meeting and was missing on Saturday.    A SpeedLimit/Children at Play Sign at 149th Lane and 149th Terrace was broken off and laid at the corner.


The Annual Meeting will be in February each year.    Current Elections are as follows:    Secretary/Treasurer  2-2015,    President  2-2016,    Vice President  2-2017.    Next meetings for 2014:    September16th and November 18.

Meeting  Adjourned at  7:55pm.

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