New Providence HOA Meeting Feb. 10, 2015

Home / Minutes / New Providence HOA Meeting Feb. 10, 2015

Meeting  Called  to  Order:    7PM
Roll  Call:    P. Cyman, President, Present.
Excused:    M. Ingino, Vice President  and  Scott Fitzpatrick, Secretary /Treasurer.
Minutes  of  11/18/14  were read and approved.

Treasurers  Report:      2014:    1/1/2014 – $72,076.59.  –  12/31/14 – $72,194.52.    Maintenance Fees – $25,575  plus 18 late fees – $450.  Three out to collection for 2014.  Sidewalk cleaning $2,550 plus entrance light repairs were extra expenses.  Balance is regular monthly and annual expenses.  Our 12 month bank statements are here if any questions and are available to be examined after the meeting.  They are available any time throughout the year.  No new increases are set for 2016

Old  Business:    Entrance lighting repairs.

New  Business:    2015 Collections – First and second notices sent.  Thirty two second notices sent.  Twelve outstanding due by 2/14.  After 2/14 if no payment is received they will be sent to collections.  Savino email regarding upgrade to our website for $600 was discussed.  Two homeowners, Mercy Lore and Sri Yeedara have agreed to help if we decide to upgrade.  Questions to Mr. Savino about future costs and maintenance issues will be asked.  Mixed views among those at meeting as to leave it as is or to upgrade.

Election  for  Secretary/Treasurer:    No Quorum.    Proxies – 13 total.    2 mailed.    3 in attendance.  8 brought in by others.  Total 10 to use for voting.  In attendance 15 eligible to vote.  Total 25.  (We need 53).    No nominations or election will be held.    Current Secretary/Treasurer,  Scott Fitzpatrick will continue on until a replacement can be found and accepted by current board members.

Officers  Report:    None
Next  Meetings:    5/12  –  9/15  –  11/17
Meeting  Adjourned:    758PM

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