Minutes of HOA meeting 11-19-2013

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Called to order at 7 PM
Pledge to Flag
Roll call: Cyman and Bond present-Rivera excused
Reading of 9-17-2013 meeting-approved
Treasurer’s report-disbursements to date were $18,894.69. Other income-Estoppels $950.00, Filing fees $900.00, Lawsuit settlement $5096.00-Total $6946.00 Balance at bank is $66,979.71
Old business:
There was a discussion regarding the election that should have been at this meeting.
Doug Crowe thought the Presidents position was available but it is not-not for 2 years. The Secretary Treasurers position is not available for another year. After much discussion the Board agreed to hold an election on February 18, 2014. Proxy notices to be sent to full membership 30 days prior to the election. A quorum is required of 53 residences. If no quorum is established, the Board, per our declarations, can appoint to fill the balance of the term.
        New business:
Cameras at both entrances to New Providence- Board will investigate!
Chris Aron made mention of deplorable conditions at 93 SW 149 Way-the Board will further investigate.
Bulk pick up is First Monday of each month-not the first calendar day of each month.
Namely 12-2-2013, 1/6/2014, 2-3-2014, 3-3-2014, 4-7-2014 ETC.
2014 Meetings dates-2-18, 5-13, 9-16, 11-18
Report street light outages at 800-4outage. Give pole number which runs vertically on the pole or your address.
Our wed site is www.newprovidenceHOA.com. Under “contact us” is E mail and phone numbers of board members.
Happy Thanksgiving to all and Merry Christmas and a good New Year
Meeting adjourned at 8:10 PM.

Added: A letter of Resignation dated 11-19-2013 from VP Donald Rivera was turned in and accepted by the Board. The Board immediately had a conversation with Michael Ingino who accepted the appointment as the new Vice President. The information in its entirety will be posted on the NPMAI web site.

As per NPMA By Laws Article V 5 Section one ” Board of at least 3 Directors” must be maintained. Therefore as per Article V 5 Section 4 which states under resignation: His successor shall be selected by the remaining members of the Board and shall serve for the unexpired term of his predecessor.
Michael Ingino has been selected to serve as Vice President

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