HOA Meeting Minutes, Nov 29, 2011

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P.Cyman welcomed everyone to the meeting and hoped everyone had a nice Thanksgiving and wished a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and good wishes for the New Year.

-Meeting was called to order at 7:02 pm.

-Pledge to the Flag

-Previous meeting minutes read and approved.

-Resignation letter dated 9/27/11 of President Mario Santos was read and accepted by the Board with regrets. Vice President P. Cyman will fill the Presidents position until next regular election of 11/20/12.

-Treasurers Report-W. Bond reported details on significant savings on insurance effective 12/17/11, banking and landscaper services.

-Old Business- P.Cyman stated that HOA common areas are in “For Sale” condition. Stated that if you look around everything looks in “well maintained condition”. No further discussion to conserve time for new business agenda.

-New Business- P.Cyman read from agenda letter included in the eleven proposal package and also read Brian Goldwyn’s letter from the law offices concerning necessity of amendment packages being approved. Proposals will be read and discussed one at a time and speakers will be recognized with 2 minutes each allowed to be heard. Many unit owners disrupted the meeting using their time to discuss their individual unit problems. P. Cyman stated that all would be heard after the eleven proposals were discussed. This was disregarded and total chaos ensued.  W. Bond left at this time due to an ongoing illness. Multiple unit owners carried on individual discussions, which resulted in total collapse of order.  It was suggested to completely disregard the eleven issues then table until the next meeting and spoke of elections with exact language never arrived at.  No motion was made or seconded or approved as people got up and left.  P. Cyman stated that the Vice President position can be filled by appointment of existing Board members until the next regularly scheduled election on November 2012. At this time it was felt that there might be further resignations. The building maintenance man announced that we must vacate the building no later than 10 pm. Unit owner M. Shon took a physical count of how many unit owners were present reporting 32.  It was noted that some had left prior to the physical count. Sign in sheets total reflect 43 unit owners.

-Meeting adjourned at 9:25 pm

-Next Meeting – January 24, 2012 Flamingo Park, 7:00 pm

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