HOA Meeting Minutes, January 24, 2012

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-Meeting called to order at 7pm.

  • Pledge of Allegiance
  • Roll call of officers present including newly appointed Vice President, Don Rivera. He will fill remainder of term until elections in 11/12.
  • Signed letter of 12/7/11 was read a included in minutes
  • Reading of minutes from 11/29/11,omission and corrections called for and motion made to submit, seconded and passed.
  • Treasurer’s report with actual expenses and proposed 2012 budget was given to all attending. It will be posted on the web site for viewing.

Old Business

  • The proposed declarations are indefinitely tabled. All proposals will be preserved and turned over to the new board in Nov. 2012 for further action.
  • 2012 Dues; To date 18% have not paid. Second notices are being mailed 1/25. After 2/14 all remaining unpaid will go to collections.
  • Drain basin repairs completed on 1/3/12 at 938 and 1135 149 terr. 9st and 150 ave. 14931 9st. seal coating of new work will be done 3/5/12 or soon after by volunteer board member.
  • Signage; 8 additional signs posting speed limits and child awareness were installed, 4 south of 11th entrance and 4 north including 150 terr. which previously had none.
  • “Damaged Sidewalk Replacement Program” provides easy and affordable alternative for homeowners to achieve “sidewalk maintenance compliance”. For details call Dennis Barvels at 954 236-2106 at Sunrise Code Enforcement. Permits and inspection are waived as Public Works Dept. does the work for $7.00 per sq. ft. The board obtained other estimates at a much higher charge. All homeowners with raised or cracked sidewalk sections are urged to take advantage of this opportunity to avoid potential liability issues.
  • Crime watch handbooks are in; your block captain will visit you soon if not already.
  • The meeting scheduled for April 17 is cancelled. Next meeting is May 29, at 7:00 pm.

New Business

  • Possibility of having storm drains cleaned? Board will investigate and report
  • Discussion of planting trees on 8th st. swale to deter trucks from mudding wall.

Meeting adjourned at 8:25 pm.

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