NPMA Meeting Minutes 2/9/16

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Call to order:    7 pm

Roll Call:    All officers presents

Minutes of 11/18/15:    Read and Approved

Treasurers Report:    For 2015 our total payout was $28,698.79. All paid through bank e-checks to FPL, OC Landscape, Law Office, USPS, Home Depot, SunBiz, James Savino, BGM Accountants, Office Depot, Bruening Ins., All Field Electric.  January through December bank statements are here for questioning or examination.  Income for 2015, $27,350.00.  Dues, late fees and 10 Estoppel payments.  Budget for 2016 should mirror 2015.  Bank balance as of 2/9/16 is $83,737.99.

Communications:    Bad check notice (made good plus bank charge) and a bankruptcy notice with repayment schedule.  Five proxies returned.

Old Business:    Comments on new FPL poles and our vinyl fence sections replaced.  L.E.D. sign light replaced at East sign on 150th Ave. and 8th Street.  No Charge.

No New Business

Officers Report:    None

Homeowners Q &A:    Request for tree trimming recommendation. We have a new resident doing that and more.  CuttersEdge is the business name.  It is listed here on our website.

Election for Presidents Position:    Quorum of 53 is necessary.  Five proxies mailed in and 2 brought to meeting.  Seven total plus 12 homeowners attending gave a total of 19.  A contested election could not be held.  There were no nominations or volunteers to serve.  President will stay on until a new homeowner volunteers. The board can appoint at present time.  All three officers are extended.  Vice President through 2/17,  Secretary/Treasurer through 2/18 and now President through 2/19.

Reminder:    Next Meeting 5/10/16

Meeting Adjourned at 7:33 pm





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